
Myofascial Release





John F. Barnes Myofascial Release is a gentle, hands-on modality that targets the hydration and viscous flow at the cellular level via sustained pressure in order to eliminate pain and restore motion. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that surrounds our entire being. 

All muscles, bones, organs, and other structures have this three-dimensional fascial web woven throughout. Your fascia provides a framework to help maintain structural integrity, mobility of your joints, movement patterns and overall tissue health. Physical, mental, and emotional trauma, thwarted inflammatory responses and/or surgical interventions all create fascial restrictions that can produce extensive tensile pressure on pain sensitive structures within our body. Many standard tests such as Xrays, CT scans, Ultrasounds, and MRIs fail to detect these restrictions. Myofascial release addresses the body as a whole, rather than focusing on isolated symptoms, and works to restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Integrative Dry Needling

Integrative dry needling is a type of soft tissue treatment. It works by balancing the body via increased circulation and decreased inflammation. It is non-specific, meaning it does not treat any specific disease, instead it works to restore tissue homeostasis. Needling creates both physical and biomechanical stimuli which works to reduce tissue tension, normalize local inflammation, and promote restoration of systemic homeostasis. Through this systemic homeostasis, biological self-healing and repair mechanisms are activated.


Cupping has been practiced for thousands of years. The therapy uses cups to pull an area of skin into a suction to decompress muscles and connective tissues. It is especially effective for treating pain and muscle aches. Applying cups to specific acupressure points may also help alleviate digestive complaints, skin issues and respiratory problems. Cupping may reduce inflammation, promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation and helps to increase the body’s own healing processes.

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